If you’re in the City of Toronto and wish to inquire about one on one mathematics tutoring, please fill out the contact form below and I’ll respond as soon as I can.
Please note I only take on a few students at a time so I may not be able to accommodate you, especially if you are in a last minute panic. I’m not saying no, I’m just not going to guarantee a yes.
I will teach high school at all levels and grades. College math courses can be accommodated as long as you confirm with me what is covered in advance. First year and some advanced mathematics courses are also available for help, such as Single Variable Calculus, Linear Algebra and even survey mathematics courses such as Mathematics for Finance.
Higher level math courses such as Multivariable and Vector Calculus, Advanced Linear Algebra or other abstract courses, number theory and the like, feel free to ask and if I feel I would not be able to help you myself, I can see if I can recommend someone else I’d trust to you instead.
For applied mathematics courses, such as Physics or Statistics, I am more than happy to work with you at the high school level. For University level Physics, no, I am of no use unless it’s just the math itself you’re having trouble with but that will only get you so far. University level Statistics, if it’s a “Statistics for ______” type course I can help, if it’s a Statistics specialist type course, I can help you with the math but it really depends on how the course is structured. If it’s very much based on linear algebra and rigorous derivations of the formula used, sure. If the formulas are just given and it’s really about which tests to apply when, no, my skills will not be sufficient help.
So, if after reading that you feel I can help, contact me.